Change·o·lo·gy \chanj-o-le-je\ n.

1: The scientific study of behavior change. 2: A widely hailed self-help book authored by clinical psychologist John Norcross. 3: Your research-supported guide to meaningful self-change in 90 days.

Dr. Norcross has revolutionized the psychology of change and now offers a remarkable five step program for more than 50 common complaints that plaque many of us. You can learn to change your life today.Mehmet Oz, MD

Fed up with over-hyped self-help that doesn’t work? Or that inspires you for a week but leaves you demoralized and confused about behavior change? Then here’s the proven science of self-change that takes you step-by-step for 90 days. Changeology helps you understand, implement, and continue goals on your own.

Think you’re ready? Try one of our Self Assessments.

Changeology is guided by 30 years of scientific research conducted by Dr. John C. Norcross and colleagues on successful self-changers and New Year’s resolvers. Are you looking to change? Why not start with some Self-Change Exercises?

Change isn’t easy but if there’s anyone out there who can convert skeptics into believers, it’s Norcross.Publishers Weekly

“Self-help advice you haven’t heard before.”


By far, the most frequent question I am asked about self-change is, "How do I avoid relapse?". Try this handy checklist to ensure that you are using relapse busting skills with sufficient frequency: CLICK HERE Change Tips
"The science of change has finally arrived and the you who starts this book won't be the you who finishes it." - Daniel Gilbert, PhD, Professor of Psychology, Harvard University